At Concordia Lutheran Church we offer a variety of outreach and ministry opportunities for our members
The Altar Guild is responsible for the candles and altar paraments, recording the number of people who partake of communion, and the care for and weekly set up of the altar area. Each week y throughout seasonal services, two members clean and set up the altar for the first Sunday Communion and reset it for the second Sunday service.
Contact: Fran Knesel - (305)-299-6316 CHAMP (Congregational Health And Ministry Program) This program focuses on the promotion of health and the integration of spirituality and health through an intentional program of health screenings, health education, support groups and spiritual support for persons with health challenges. At Concordia we:
Emily Gomez (786) 459-9988 LWML (Lutheran Women's Missionary League)
The mission of Concordia's LWML is to extend the Lord's work in our church, the community, and the world. By affiliation, all women of Concordia Lutheran Church are members and encouraged to serve others through mission, education, inspiration, and service. We participate in faith based Bible studies and devotions. We hold retreats, Fundraising events, distribution and collection of mite boxes, rallies and conventions for support of these missions and to further our studies. Meeting and Devotion: 2nd Saturday of the Month 12:30 am Bagged Lunch/Fellowship 1:00 pm Meeting Youth Group is a family-oriented ministry, fellowship and outreach, geared for parents and their children.
The Youth Group offers:
Concordia Worship Team Purpose: To praise our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, with the musical talent He has given us; to lead the Concordia congregation in song during the worship services in both traditional and contemporary settings.
Commitment: volunteer, dedicated and committed members of the congregation who wish to use their talents to sing with their voices and/or play their instruments to the glory of God and for the enhancement of the worship experience for themselves and the congregants, who are willing to give their time to rehearsal and worship as scheduled. Philosophy: As a volunteer group and as worship song leaders, the team is there to lead and teach the congregation in singing traditional songs and learning to sing the contemporary songs. Our intention is not to perform for the congregation, but rather lead the familiar songs and teach them new songs. |
Join Our Ministries Today!
If you would like to inquire about one of our ministries, and for detailed information please fill out our online form. Upon completion, one of our representatives will contact you. Have a blessed day, and can't wait to have you join our team.